Anxiety and excessive thinking

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Taking control of your anxiety

Is it that some of us are just born anxious, or did something happen in our lives which made us anxious? Is anxiety something we have to live with and submit to or is it something we can control, master and overcome? This blog is all about anxiety, understanding what anxiety is, how it affects us and what we can do about it.
Maz | 4/11/2024

Can we control our thoughts?

This blog is not an in-depth neurological exploration of our minds and what we can control, I'll leave that to the brain scientists. What I wanted to do is share my insights into how much say we can actually have when we want to escape our head noise, our anxious thoughts and our overthinking and live more in the moment?

Zoning out as an escape

In busy, demanding lives we all need time to just zone out, switch off and lose ourselves in whatever is our chosen method. What if however, the zoning out isn't that bit of 'my time', but instead it’s an escape from who we are and how we feel and becomes addictive. In this blog I explore my insights into how what we use as an escape can end up controlling us.
Maz | 24/6/2024

In control or spiralling and plummeting?

Do you recognise when you are calm and connecting with yourself and others? You feel in control. Then something happens and you react and spiral or you may want to just hide and disappear. It might be that you seem to be constantly in a spiral or feeling down. In this blog I outline ways you can identify if you are in control and connected or if you have spiralled or plummeted. We look at ways you can become more aware of your responses and start to look at tools to help you manage those ups and downs.
Maz | 10/6/2024

The invasion of repetitive thoughts.

Is your head invaded by thoughts? Are you regretting the past, overthinking the present, or worrying about the future? These intrusive thoughts can rob you of enjoying each day. In this first blog of the series, I give my insights into what is going on, what helped me and how you can escape the head noise and start to live connected with yourself and those around you.
Maz | 3/6/2024
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